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To ensure the healthy growth and vibrant blooms of your begonia, it is important to provide it with adequate water. The begonia has average water needs and should be watered when the top 3 cm of soil has dried out, ensuring a well-hydrated and thriving plant.

In order to achieve the best possible flowering results, regular fertilization is essential. During the growing period, it is recommended to feed your bolivian begonia with a diluted, balanced solution specifically designed for begonias. Alternatively, you can choose a fertilizer with a high level of nitrogen. It is important to avoid overfeeding the plant, therefore fertilize it no more than twice a month to prevent any harm.

After flowering, it is recommended to deadhead or remove withered flowers, promoting continuous blooming and ensuring a tidy and attractive plant.

When it comes to the soil preference, the Begonia boliviensis Dark Leaf Red thrives in neutral soil, which provides the ideal conditions for optimal growth and development.

Begonia boliviensis ‘Dark Leaf Red’

Expected to ship by late March
  • All of our online website plants come with a 30-day guarantee from the date of purchase. If your plant dies within the 30 days we will ask a few questions about what care you have provided for the plant as well as asking for photos of the plant. If there is nothing drastically wrong with what you have done we will get another sent out to you or a credit note!

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