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This variety of begonia is known for its vigorous growth and vibrant red-pink, funnel-shaped flowers that blossom on sturdy, arching stems.


Ideal for hanging baskets and containers, these trailing beauties offer a stunning display during the summer months. Whether planted alone or mixed with other trailing plants, they are bound to create a captivating visual impact in your garden. Enjoy the abundant blooms from June to October, adding a burst of color to your outdoor space.


For optimal results, plant these plugs with ample room to allow the roots to establish and flourish. Well-drained fertile soil or a balanced compost is recommended for their growth. Regular watering and feeding are advised throughout the growing season, along with deadheading to promote further blooms.

Begonia boliviensis Red

Expected to ship by late March
  • All of our online website plants come with a 30-day guarantee from the date of purchase. If your plant dies within the 30 days we will ask a few questions about what care you have provided for the plant as well as asking for photos of the plant. If there is nothing drastically wrong with what you have done we will get another sent out to you or a credit note!

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